Today the Glossy black Cockatoos came to visit us at the Nursery. Though rare, they are common visitors to our property.
Throughout our property we have indigenous She Oaks and most are Allocasuarina torulosa. The torulosa is sometimes called The Forest She Oak or Rose She oak.
The Allocasuarina torulosa is the exclusive food source for the rare and endangered Glossy Black Cockatoo – Calyptorhynchus lathami.
The Glossy Black Cockatoo also returns to regular trees to feed. So we know which trees they naturally come to. Two Torulosas near the nursery are regular feeding trees for the Glossy blacks, so we expect to see them often.
Part of our planting and regeneration at the Nursery and across our property is to expand the number of Allocasuarina torulosa available for the Glossy black Cockatoos.
We have already planted over 30 near in our south area, and have plans for 10 more on the slope near the Nursery.
Hopefully will will have made a difference to the food availability for this rare and beautiful bird.
We will have more information soon about how you can help us help the Glossy Black Cockatoos. Stay tuned!
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